Master mTBI / Concussion Care: 2-Part Series

Live Webinar for Healthcare Professionals

October 18 & November 15, 2023 at 6:30pm MT

Key Topics Include:

– Learn how fascia, concussion, and mTBI influence headaches.
– Discover how to resolve persistent headaches and migraines after concussion or mTBI.

Empower your practice with the latest information in diagnosis and treatment.



Part of a 13-module series on Concussion Treatment and Theory

Have you ever wondered why headaches sometimes appear out of the blue or persist long after an injury?

Why do they resolve and come back, or why do they never stop?

The answers might lie deeper than you think—in the delicate interplay of our body’s fascia, the impact of concussions, and the subtle yet significant effects of mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBI).

Fascia’s Hidden Role
Our body is enshrouded in a thin yet extensive network of connective tissue called fascia. When healthy, it glides smoothly, allowing muscles and organs to function harmoniously. But when the fascia becomes restricted—due to stress, injury, or inflammation—it can exert pressure on sensitive areas, leading to tension headaches or migraines.  Releasing the fascia creates space for the nerves and the muscles to heal.

Concussions & mTBI: Silent Instigators
Concussions and mTBIs, often regarded as ‘invisible injuries,’ can lead to a cascade of neurological changes. These disruptions may result in chemical imbalances, inflammation, and blood flow irregularities in the brain. If you’ve recovered outwardly, your brain might still grapple internally, triggering recurrent headaches.

Interconnection is Key
Imagine the fascia as the body’s communication web and the brain as its control center. When either or both suffer damage, it’s not just a localized issue—it’s a system-wide challenge. The interconnectedness of fascia and brain function means that treating only one facet might not yield complete relief. Recognizing and addressing the comprehensive relationship is crucial.

Take Action Today
Understanding these connections can be the first step toward genuine healing if you’ve suffered from unexplained, persistent headaches or have a history of concussion or mTBI. Dive deeper with our resources, join our community, and embark on a journey to a pain-free life.

Your clients/athletes will thank you!

Pricing: Only $47 for a limited time