The Brain Fitness Test

$27.00 + Applicable Tax

 What you will get

A tool that can predict, prevent and repair your brain.

  1. An 11 – 14 page pdf on how you can increase your brain fitness score.
  2. Access to Brain Fitness Facebook group
  3. Option to receive your own personal program to get results. Work with Simone Brain Health Expert.


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You are only as fit as your brain.

Have you noticed you are losing your edge? Do you have to work out longer to get the same results? Gaining weight even though your program is the same? Want to be the best you can be?

If you answered yes to any of the above it’s time to check your brain fitness levels.

The brain similar to a muscle, it needs stimulation, it needs to work out, doing one new thing a day is optimal for your brain.

What if you were depleting your brain and you didn’t even know?

The truth is after age 21 your brain starts to age. Your hormones change along with your neurotransmitters.  It’s simple brain chemistry.

You can take charge and slow down and even prevent the natural depletion of resources in the brain. You can even repair and recover from any insults to the brain, such as poor nutrition, excessive drinking and injury.

What you will get:

  • An 11 to 14 -page pdf on how you can increase your brain fitness score
  • Access to Brain Fitness Facebook group
  • Program based on your results when you opt in to work with me.

Don’t waste any more time your brain is aging, you are in charge of how quickly that happens.  The fitness of your brain depends on it.

All prices are in US dollars.