The Eye-Opening Lessons from the Canadian Athletic Therapy Association Conference

Attending the Canadian Athletic Therapy Association conference was an enlightening experience, particularly in understanding the unique position and misconceptions surrounding the Fascia Training Institute (FTI).

First and foremost, I want to commend the high caliber of the conference attendees. I was genuinely impressed by the insightful workshops and the thoughtful, probing questions posed by each therapist and trainer I interacted with.

The Force of FASCIA

It was a surprise to learn that many athletic therapists have reservations about the popular term “fascia.” For them, it connotes forceful techniques, imbalances, and practices by inadequately trained practitioners.

This revelation underscored the importance of clarifying misconceptions and highlighting the nuanced, evidence-based approach we advocate at the Fascia Training Institute.


I encountered many challenges from attendees who mistakenly equated FTI’s offerings with Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST) or Rolfing of Tomas Myers.

However, I want to clarify that the difference could not be more significant.

Dispelling the Myths: It’s Not About Stretching

First and foremost, it’s crucial to address a common misconception: FTI does not promote stretching or traction. We all know that the term stretching – means fibers are coming together and coming apart. When we directly release the myofascial system.

Such methods, while famous, often lead to injuries and can destabilize an athlete’s neurological and muscular systems.

Instead, FTI focuses on sophisticated and effective treatment techniques that safeguard the body’s integrity—brain-based fascial release, always with assessments, planning, and no force.

Dynamic Brain Healing: A Novel Approach

One of the standout methodologies we advocate is Dynamic Brain Healing. This manual treatment technique alleviates compression forces affecting the cervical spine and cranium. Unlike more forceful practices that may stress the system, this approach is finely tuned and facially based, prioritizing finesse over brute strength.

A Clear Distinction from Traditional Practices

During the conference, several Athletic therapists asked whether FTI methods resembled Thomas Myers’ Anatomy Trains or Rolfing.

The answer is a resounding no.

These methods, which often rely on excessive force, can trigger a fight-or-flight response in the nervous system, something FTI diligently avoids.

FTI treatment approach was explicitly designed for those stuck in fight or flight, those with chronic pain and injuries for years, even decades. FTI Dynamic Brain Healing was created for those with persistent symptoms of mTBI, concussion, or neurological issues. These are rehabilitation movements, releases, and research-based protocols. FTI continually collects data and supports testing, MRI, Brain mapping, and Spec Scan blood work to support changes.

FTI, alongside Simone Fortier, who has been teaching since 1997, has developed the Brain Nutrition Program, specifically designed to support individuals with ADHD, PTSD, persistent concussion symptoms, and mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBI).

Through her extensive research and 5-year clinical trial, which is ongoing, Simone has identified a common thread among those who struggle to recover from concussions: neurodivergence. Such individuals often lack the resources to heal, perpetually trapped in a fight-or-flight response. The Brain Nutrition Program aims to provide these essential resources, fostering recovery and resilience in patients who experience ongoing symptoms.

The Fascia Training Institute’s Upper and Lower Body Fascia Release techniques are designed with finesse, ensuring practitioners can deliver effective treatment without undue stress on their hands or the patient’s body.

Ergonomics and Education: Core to Our Philosophy

FTI is not just about teaching techniques; it’s about cultivating the best practitioners. Our courses are deliberately kept small to focus on the ergonomics of the practitioners, ensuring optimal posture and technique, including marketing and best business practices as well as treatment protocols FTI believes that to create lasting change and be the best in the field, one must learn in an environment that prioritizes the health and sustainability of the therapist’s practice.

Rigorous Training for Confident Application

Every course at the Fascia Training Institute requires participants to complete Two case studies; no other continuing education courses demand that type of excellence. This is not just an academic exercise; it ensures that each practitioner can achieve tangible results, demonstrate the efficacy of their training, and build confidence in their practice. By the time our students complete their courses, they are equipped with revolutionary techniques and ready to implement these strategies immediately in their practice.

Conclusion: Pioneering a New Future in Athletic Therapy

The Fascia Training Institute is committed to pioneering new frontiers in the treatment of injury, mTBI, concussion, and beyond.

Through our meticulously designed courses and unique treatment approaches, we aim to empower therapists to excel in their field without compromising their health.

If you want to transform your practice and offer unparalleled care to your clients, the FTI is your gateway to becoming a leader in innovative athletic therapy.

Attending the Canadian Athletic Therapy Association conference was an opportunity to share what FTI stands for and learn how vital clarity and education are in overcoming longstanding myths in the therapeutic world.

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